Back pain

TuiNa therapy is very effective for the follow back pain

1, Disc prolapse

2, Muscle, tendon and ligament injury or damage

3, sciatica

4, osteoarthritis

5, fibromyalgia

6, Spondylitis

7, syndrome of piriformis

8, psoas syndrome

9, posterior articular disturbance

10, Simedislocation of sacro-iliac joint

1. what causes back pain?

2. who is most likely to develop back pain?

3. what conditions are associated with back pain?

1. what causes back pain?

As people age, bone strength and muscle elasticity and tone tend to decrease. The discs begin to lose fluid and flexibility, which decreases their ability to cushion the vertebrae. Improper work position or damage easy causes the disc, muscle, tendon, ligament, joint and never injury and damage.

Pain can occur when, for example, someone lifts something too heavy or overstretches, causing a sprain, strain, or spasm in one of the muscles or ligaments in the back. If the spine becomes overly strained or compressed, a disc may rupture or bulge outward. This rupture may put pressure on one of the more than 50 nerves rooted to the spinal cord that control body movements and transmit signals from the body to the brain. When these nerve roots become compressed or irritated, back pain results. And will cause many other pain and symptom or internal organ dysfunction.

Back pain (or problem) may reflect nerve or muscle irritation or bone lesions. Most back pain follows injury or trauma to the back, but pain may also be caused by degenerative conditions such as arthritis or disc disease, osteoporosis or other bone diseases, viral infections, irritation to joints and discs, or congenital abnormalities in the spine. Stress, poor physical condition, posture inappropriate for the activity being performed, whiplash and poor sleeping position also may contribute to back pain. Additionally, scar tissue created when the injured back heals itself does not have the strength or flexibility of normal tissue. Build up of scar tissue from repeated injuries eventually weakens the back and can lead to more serious injury or lead to a chronic pain in the whole life.

Occasionally, back pain may indicate a more serious medical problem. Pain accompanied by fever or loss of bowel or bladder control, pain when coughing, and progressive weakness in the legs may indicate a pinched nerve or other serious condition. People with diabetes may have severe back pain or pain radiating down the leg related to neuropathy.

2. who is most likely to develop back pain?

Nearly everyone has low back pain sometime. Men and women are equally affected. It occurs most often between ages 20 and 60, due in part to the aging process but also as a result of sedentary life styles with too little (sometimes punctuated by too much) exercise. The risk of experiencing back pain from disc disease or spinal degeneration increases with age. Some special work, like sports player, driver also easy gain the damage of back.

3.what conditions are associated with back pain?

Conditions that may relate with back pain and require treatment by a health specialist include: Migraine (headache), Herniation of Cervical disc, Whiplash, Diabetes, Multiple sclerosis, Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Spinal degeneration, Spinal stenosis, Fibromyalgia, Simedislocation of Sacro-iliac joint, Infertility, Posterior Articular Disturbance, Erection dysfunction, Stiff neck, Stress and depression, Cervical Spondylopathy, Insomnia, Gastric ulcer, I.B.S, Muscle, tendon and ligament injury or damage, Disc prolapse, Sciatica, Osteoporosis, Spondylitis, Syndrome of piriformis, P.M.S.